St. Gregory the Great



Be Christ’s hands and feet through the many Service Ministries available at St. Gregory the Great Parish. Embrace the call to service and the joy of shared love for others. Your presence and participation truly make a difference in our Family of Parishes and the wider world.

Columbiettes logo


The Columbiettes is a women’s Auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus. Our purpose is to brighten the lives of the less fortunate, sick, physically and mentally challenged, elderly, and youth. We are to be an example of faith through our works of charity. We promote pro-life activities and Catholic values

Food Shuttle

Food Shuttle Drivers

The Food Shuttle is a WNY all-volunteer organization started at St. Gregory’s that transports surplus food from restaurants, supermarkets, and other providers to soup kitchens and shelters. Three branches in the Buffalo area transport over two tons of food daily. Anyone in the Erie or Niagara County region can be a volunteer driver.

Garden Club logo

Garden Club

The Garden Club work on the maintenance of our many garden beds to help add to the enjoyment of God’s creation as people come and go on our property. They meet almost every Tuesday morning to plant, weed, water, and pick up trash. With a parish campus our size, many hands make light work. No experience necessary!

Grief and Loss

Grief & Loss Bereavement Ministry

This ministry reaches out to individuals and families who are struggling with the death of loved ones, loss of marriage partners through death, separation or divorce, loss of job and other life losses. Presentations cover various topics that offer insight and support as individuals work through their losses.

Service Ministries 

Health/Nursing Ministry

Our Health Ministry, which is coordinated by our parish nurse, focuses on providing health education opportunities through speakers and seminars and one-on-one health-related information for parishioners who need assistance regarding health issues. Health Ministry also provides regular blood pressure screening and prescription drug education.

Service Ministries 

Hospitality Committee

The Hospitality Committee hosts receptions for a variety of parish functions. Major responsibilities include purchasing goods, set-up, serving, and clean-up for parish social events. The Holy Thursday Shared Supper is one of the Committee’s major events.

Service Ministries 

Jamaica Mission Trip

Annual mission trip to serve Mustard Seed Communities – the vulnerable poor with disabilities in Jamaica.

Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus

St. Gregory’s Council #14687 — Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place while supporting their Church. Being a Knight is more than camaraderie: it is being involved with your community; it is supporting your local Catholic Church while enhancing your own Faith; it is about protecting and enhancing your family life.

Service Ministries 

Ladies of Charity (LOC)

A group of women who volunteer their time and talents to assist the poor. We collect donated household goods and Easter and Thanksgiving food baskets. LOC make and distribute stoles for newborns, wheelchair/walker bags for the elderly, and rosaries for our First Communicants. LOC straighten the prayer books, remove debris and lost items from the Church, and care for the altar linens.

New Parishioner Welcome (1)

New Parishioner Welcome/Orientation Committee

The purpose is to welcome new members into the parish family and assist them in registering in the parish. All new parishioners are encouraged to attend the monthly Parish Socials. Visit our New Parishioner Page for more information.

Service Ministries 

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Members of the Prayer Shawl ministry gather weekly to knit or crochet prayer shawls for those facing a crisis, lengthy illness, or difficulty in life. Recipients are prayed for each week and receive a prayer card along with their shawl. If you know of someone in need who would benefit from a free prayer shawl, please visit our Parish Office.

Respect Life

Respect Life

This group is an educational resource for the parish on all life issues. Our ministry offers an email information service providing updates on various pro-life issues, including action alerts on impending pro-life legislation, commercial boycotts, outreach, and prayer.

Rosary Club logo

Rosary Club

Rosary Club for FFF Grades 5-10 meets to make rosaries! Middle school and high school students can get service hours for helping us make rosaries. Adult volunteers who can help our youth tie knots are invited as well.

St Vincent De Paul

St. Vincent de Paul Society

The Society organizes food and clothing drives, maintains the magazine rack in the Church Vestibule, and makes weekly visits to the sick and those in nursing homes. We have a furniture pick-up program through which we help stock our diocesan warehouse in Buffalo. We maintain a food pantry at St. Gregory’s “White House” (next to the School) for assistance on a confidential basis to those in need in our parish and in the inner city.