St. Gregory the Great

Sacramental Preparation


Sacramental preparation allows us to open our hearts to understand the great depth of the gifts we are about to receive in the sacraments. For more about each Sacramental Preparation program, please visit the individual sacrament pages.

Baptism Classes

Baptism Classes

Baptism Preparation meets on the first Tuesday of every month and helps expectant parents to understand more fully the sacrament that their child will receive. Our Deacons will also help guide parents in choosing Godparents for their children. We invite couples who have recently had their children baptized to volunteer as presenters.

First Reconciliation Classes

First Reconciliation Preparation

First Reconciliation takes place in Second Grade. In November, we will hold registration. Parents are invited to attend a Parent Workshop to help them prepare their children. Students are prepared at home and their lessons are reinforced in their Faith Formation sessions or school religion classes. A Mass of Enrollment is celebrated at the parish. The Sacrament of First Reconciliation is celebrated in the spring of Second Grade.

First Communion Classes

First Communion Preparation

First Communion takes place in Grade 3. In November, we will hold registration. In late January and early February, parents attend one of two Parent Workshops offered to help them prepare their children for this sacrament. Students and their families come together at the Mass of Enrollment in February. Students are prepared at home and their lessons are reinforced in their Family Faith Formation sessions. In April, final preparations are made during the First Communion Retreat and in May, the Sacrament of First Communion is celebrated!

Marriage Preparation

Marriage Preparation

Marriage Preparation, sometimes called Pre-Cana, plays an important role in preparing engaged couples for entering into the sacrament of Marriage. Sponsor teams are experienced married couples that meet for several sessions with engaged couples. They follow a Diocesan-approved agenda that guides discussion of important marriage issues and fulfills Pre-Cana requirements.

Engaged couples are asked to contact Jo Pierino to schedule a wedding date. Brian Ruh will reach out to the couple with Pre CANA options.

Confirmation Classes

Confirmation Classes

Confirmation Sessions 

Adult Confirmation Classes

Adult Confirmation Classes

Adult Confirmation Sessions are offered for any adults who for one reason or another have not been Confirmed. Four sessions are run by parish staff members and include a retreat and service component. Sessions are held on Saturdays during March and April, and candidates are prepared in time to participate in our parish celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation with the Bishop in May.


Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Anyone who is considering joining the Catholic Faith is welcome to attend The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). This is the spiritual journey through which adults discern becoming full, active, participating members of the Catholic Church. The RCIA team also assists people Catholics who wish to be renewed and updated in their Faith.