St. Gregory the Great

Our History

First Rectory 1958-59
St. Gregory's First Rectory - 1958-1959
First Mass
First Mass and Blessing on Parish Grounds - July 26, 1959

From Humble Beginnings

The story of the parish is more than an account of a place, a building, a property, and how it was transformed. It is a story of the people of God forming a community of worship and service.

From a field with unused barns, a farmhouse, an open-air Mass, and the vision and generosity of a bishop, a pastor, and the people working together, St. Gregory the Great Parish emerged.

The field was a 22.75-acre tract of farm lots in the town of Amherst; the farmhouse was the Klein homestead; the field Mass was offered on July 26, 1959, to bless and dedicate that property as a place of worship to God and of service to His people.

The account begins on August 22, 1957, when the Diocese of Buffalo purchased the parcel of land at 1660 Maple Road from Mrs. Katherine Klein. Foreseeing the inevitable growth of the area, the land was held as a site for the new parish.

On June 2, 1958, the Most Rev. Joseph A. Burke, Bishop of Buffalo, officially designated those farm lots in the town of Amherst to be set aside and henceforth known as the Parish of St. Gregory the Great.

The late bishop appointed Rev. Robert L. Buchheit as the first pastor of the new parish, on June 4, 1958. Without hesitation, the new pastor began to form the new community.

Since the farmhouse on the parish property was still occupied, Fr. Buchheit rented four rooms at 6030 Sheridan Drive to serve as a temporary Rectory. 

On June 10, he met Mother Mary Priscilla of the Franciscan Sisters, Convent of the Perpetual Adoration in Williamsville. The Revered Mother offered the use of the convent chapel as a temporary church for the congregation.

On June 15, 1958, the first Sunday of the existence of the new parish, 250 people attended four Masses in the convent chapel.

Within a few weeks, about 350 families were registered at the parish. 75% of them originally went to Sts. Peter and Paul Church, Williamsville, and the remainder went to St. Mary’s Church, Swormville, and St. Leo the Great, Amherst.

Our History
Rev. Robert L. Buchheit, Pastor
First CYO
The first CYO (Catholic Youth Organization) with Fr. Buchheit

The Building of a Parish

Having been instructed by His Excellence, Bishop Burke, to build a church, school, and rectory immediately, Fr. Buchheit engaged the services of Sebastian J. Tauriello, architect, to lay plans for the new buildings. The pastor also moved into the farmhouse which would serve as a rectory for almost two years.

Our History
The Altar Guild Basketball Team - 1960

A fundraising appeal began, which eventually resulted in the grand total of $155,000. The founding year of the parish was climaxed by the First Christmas. The midnight Mass was held in the convent auditorium. Thoughts, hopes, and prayers turned towards the future when the little family would grow and have a house of worship of its own.

By January 1959, the building plans were completed, and plans were also laid to build a new street along the property to provide better access. 

Also in 1959, the Holy Name Society and Altar Guild were formed, parish retreat committees were formed, and fall retreats were planned. Trustees were chosen. A Bingo program was started to help sustain the parish.

Our History
First Mass and Blessing on Parish Grounds - July 26, 1959

The parish began to experience the sacramental life cycle with its first baptism on June 22, 1958. Christine Lynn Lauria, daughter of Joseph and Theresa Lauria, was baptized at Sts. Peter and Paul in Williamsville. On the same day, an emergency baptism was performed for Bruce Andrew Sebian at the home of his parents, Richard and Patricia Sebian.

The first converts in the parish were Clarence Hallen and Horace Henning, baptized together at Sts. Peter and Paul on May 31, 1959.

The first wedding, between Richard Handley and Naomi Prieur, took place on October 25, 1958.


First Communicants
The First Holy Communion Class, 1959, at St. Mary of the Angels Convent

On the first anniversary of the inauguration of the new parish, June 7, 1959, a First Communion class approached the altar to receive the Eucharist.

In September 1959, religious instruction classes for all public school children was initiated and scheduled for 10:00 am each Sunday morning. The registration for the first classes totaled 220.

A parish choir was organized in December, meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gus Lardelli. The choir immediately began practice for its Christmas program — the traditional hymns to be sung during Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. The Choir Director was P.D. Cardarelli and Organist was Mrs. Harriet Davis.

Dedicating a Church Building

Bishop McNulty blesses the new church
Bishop McNulty blesses the new Church.
Dedication Day -1968
Dedication Day, October 13, 1968
Our History
Fr. Buchheit in the Sacristy with two Altar Boys.
Our History
A new member, Maria Narduzzo, is baptized.
Our History

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