St. Gregory the Great

Family Faith Formation

Ministries at St. Gregory the Great

At St. Gregory the Great Family Faith Formation, students are encouraged to learn in an environment where they experience a sense of community, celebrate the sacraments, and learn the truths of their Catholic Faith to help them become living disciples of Christ. Our Staff is here to support you in your role as the primary teachers of your children. You are always welcome to come to us with your concerns and suggestions. We are here to serve you!

FFF Jack o lantern lesson

Scroll below for program updates!

First Day of Classes

First day of class: September 21   Note: There will be a Family Assembly; one parent please attend.
  • Little Cherubs/Pre-K 4  (9:00 am-10:15 am)  
  • Gr K-8  (9:00 am-10:15 am) 

First day of class: September 23   Note: There will be a Family Assembly; one parent please attend.
  • Little Cherubs/Pre-K 4   (4:30 pm-5:45 pm) 
  • Gr. K – 4  (4:30 pm-5:45 pm)
  • Gr. 5-10  (7:00 pm -8:15 pm) 

First day of class: September 19
Little Cherubs/Pre-K 4, Gr. K – 10 (6:15 pm – 7:45 pm)

First day of class: September 22
Little Cherubs/Pre-K 4, Gr. K – 10 (11:00 am – 12:30 pm)

Office Hours

  • Monday-Thursday from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm, and when classes are in session.

Contact FFF

250 St. Gregory Court
Williamsville, NY 14221
Phone: (716) 688-5760
Fax: (716) 639-8251

For Registered Families


The Last day of FFF Classes are as follows:
GOF Thursday: April 3
GOF Sunday: April 6
Monday Classes: April 7
Saturday Classes: April 12

SAVE THE DATE for Disciple Camp
(Gr. 5 -10) to be held at St. Greg’s on
June 27, June 30 and July 1-3.  
Disciple Camp is a high impact faith formation summer camp that fulfills the instructional component of the Diocese of Buffalo curriculum. Lessons are enriched with music, prayer, speakers, outdoor activities, crafts, and more. Students will grow together as a peer community of faith and then continue service and faith experiences on their own throughout the year. This program is open only to active parishioners of our family of parishes (Family 19: St. Greg’s, St. Pius X, and Good Shepherd) with regular Mass attendance. Online Registration is May 1-30. 

Get Involved

  • Children are welcome to register any time during the year for Parish Children’s Choir.
  • Grades 4+ who have received their First Communion are eligible to become Altar Servers!
  • Students in Grades 4 – 10 can participate in Family Masses as Lectors, Greeters, or Ushers.

Service Opportunities

  • Confirmation Candidates looking for service, here’s a great opportunity at the Parish  Lenten Fish Fry Fridays! Click here for SignUpGenius if interested for more info and to sign up. 
  • See other Service Opportunities.

Sacramental Preparation

The Confirmation Retreat is on Saturday, April 5 from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm at Good Shepherd. It includes breakfast food, lunch, and the vigil Mass. It will be held at the parish hall. Kaitlyn Hogg is running it and Michael Ruszala will be there. 

The First Communion Retreat is on Saturday, April 26 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am in School Gym/Cafeteria.

Confirmation Rehearsal is scheduled for Monday, May 12 at 6:30 pm in Church and we ask sponsors to attend if they are able. 

The Sacrament of Confirmation is on Wednesday, May 21 at 7:00 pm at St. Greg’s with Bishop Michael Fisher!  Our whole group will receive Confirmation on that single evening. If you cannot make this date, we can arrange for Confirmation with another family of parishes. Please pardon delays in response as our Office will be closed for Winter Break.

Monthly Outreach

All students and parents are encouraged to participate in our ongoing service and outreach projects. You can check back each month for opportunities to participate.

Program options

Little Cherubs - St. Gregory the Great

Little Cherubs (Preschool)

Little Cherubs is our Preschool Faith Formation program that runs from September through April. Children must be at least 4 years old and potty trained. Classes are on Saturdays from 9:00 am to 10:30 am (during Weekly Family Faith Formation classes). There is a flat fee of $50 for the school year.

St. Greg's Family Faith Formation

Weekly FFF Program (Grades K-10)

Classes run weekly from September – Spring.

Grades PreK-8: 
Saturdays, 9:00 am -10:15 am

Grades PreK-4: 
Mondays, 4:30 pm – 5:45 pm

Grades 5-10: 
Mondays, 7:00 pm – 8:15 pm

One child $100
Two children $175
Three children $225
Four+ children $275

Price breaks for families are applicable ONLY if all of your children are in the same program.

Non-Parishionerate is $250 per student.

Generations of Faith - St. Greg's

Generations of Faith (GOF) is based on the concept that the parents are the primary Catechists and that the community is nourished together by the Sunday Gospel readings. Homework is done during the month. Come in person for a monthly meal, prayer, reflection, and classes for the children while parents hear from an engaging speaker.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Michael Ruszala:

Generations of Faith (GOF) Monthly FFF Program for PreK, K and Grades 1-10

Classes run in-person once a month from September – April, with three additional at-home sessions. At least ONE parent must attend in-person sessions along with the child.

  • Sunday GOF Session, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
  • Thursday GOF Session, 6:15 pm – 7:45 pm

      One child $195
      Two children $250
      Three children $295
      Four+ children $350

Price breaks for families are applicable ONLY if all of your children are in the same program.

Please NOTE: Registration is limited to 50 families per session and will close once we reach capacity.

Disciple Camp - St. Greg's Family Faith Formation

Disciple Camp (Grades 5-10)

This weeklong FFF summer program has 35 hours of instruction based on the curriculum guidelines for the Diocese of Buffalo. It is meant to fulfill religious education requirements for the year.

In a summer camp-like setting, lessons are enriched with music, prayer, speakers, outside activities, crafts, and more. Lessons are based on an active learning process in which religious knowledge is experienced in various ways, encompassing all styles of learning.

Vacation Bible School St Gregs

Vacation Bible School

At Vacation Bible School (VBS), kids experience the extraordinary love of God in fun and unforgettable ways by visiting various stations. We start each day with energizing, fun and faith-boosting music! A different Bible Point is reinforced through Bible stories, songs, and hands-on activities.  Our week-long camp culminates with a jubilant closing celebration and ice cream social in which students put on a final show for their families.

Registration FAQ

Don't wait... save a spot! Please register as soon as you are able, to enable us to order books and materials and ensure sure we have enough trained Catechists! 

Please do not wait for school, dance, or sports teams to release their schedule before you register for FFF classes. It is easier for us to make schedule changes for a registered student than to find space for a student who waited to register.

If you have special circumstances or cannot make payment for registration, please contact our Office as soon as possible. 

Please know that no family will be prevented from attending classes because of inability to pay. Please contact the FFF Office at (716) 688-5760 for information.

Please contact the FFF Office at (716) 688-5760 as soon as possible so we can help you catch them up over the summer.

IMPORTANT: One issue we tend to have with online registration is that families hit "submit" multiple times. This can cause your card to be charged each time, and then we need to process a refund.  Please hit "submit" one time only. If you feel there is a problem with the registration going through, call the Office right away. We will take your information and verify your spot in your chosen program.

TIP: Please use your computer (not your iPhone or Chrome Book).

For any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Michael Ruszala at

Our Faith Formation Programs welcomes and includes children who have emotional, physical or learning disabilities. Students are mainstreamed or, if necessary are taught on a one-on-one basis during our regularly scheduled class times.

We also provide adaptive preparation materials for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation.

Catholic school religious education is completed at a Catholic school.

However, during Grade 9, students must register with our program to ensure they will receive all Confirmation-related notifications including important information, regarding retreats and service requirements.

For any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Michael Ruszala at

Family Faith Formation

Faith Enrichment

We invite you to discover meaningful faith enrichment opportunities where young hearts can come together, strengthen their connections to parish life, and develop their relationships with God.

Family Faith Formation

Collaborative Family Mass

Students in Grades 4 – 10 can participate in the Family Masses as Lectors, Greeters, or Ushers. NOTE: If you are in the Parish Children’s Choir, please check with Mrs. Erdman before you volunteer for the Family Mass. Generally, during a Mass, you should participate in one ministry. View the Family Mass schedule.

Rosary Club logo

Rosary Club

Rosary Club for FFF Grades 5-10 will meet in the School Cafeteria. Learn how to make rosaries! Grades 5-10: Join us from 6:15 pm – 7:00 pm, just before classes, on January 13, February 3, and March 3. You can get service hours for helping! See you there!

Family Faith Formation

Behind on FFF Classes or Sacraments?

Inquire about our Family Religion Review, which leads up to sacrament prep and integration with peer level faith formation. It’s a great opportunity for families to rediscover their faith within a small community setting.

Contact Family Faith Formation at (716) 688-5760.