St. Gregory the Great


Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation involves two years of catechesis (Level I and Level II), plus immediate sacramental preparation for Confirmation.

Level I typically takes place during Grade 9.
Level II typically takes place during Grade 10.
Approved service hours are performed during the first year.

Adult Confirmation Sessions are held during March and April, in time to participate in the Sacrament of Confirmation in May with the bishop.

Confirmation at St. Gregory the Great

Why Confirmation?

Confirmation is a Sacrament of Initiation that confirms the baptismal promises and seals the person with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist are the three Sacraments of Initiation.

Jesus promised the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which began on Easter and continued on Pentecost. From that time on, the Apostles passed on the gift of the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands (CCC 1288).

The Sacrament of Confirmation “is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace” (CCC 1285). It strengthens the faithful as witnesses to Christ and obliges them to spread the Faith!

Confirmation Classes

Students attending public high school must participate in two years of high school faith formation through the Family Faith Formation Office.

Students attending a Catholic high school receive catechesis through their school; however, they must register with the Family Faith Formation Office in Grade 9 to ensure that they receive all Confirmation-related notifications.

Sacramental Program

Both public high school and Catholic high school students attend the same sacramental preparation program. This program involves approved service hours; a Mass of Enrollment; a retreat; Sponsor/Candidate faith discussions; the Sponsor/Candidate Session; an interview; and finally the Confirmation Mass itself.

Young parishioners entering Grade 9 should register in the fall with the Family Faith Formation Office to begin their Confirmation journey.

Register for Confirmation

Important Dates

  • For Grade 10 students: The next Confirmation Retreat is on Saturday, January 25, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm in the Ministry Center. Lunch is provided. This retreat is for students who will be Confirmed in May of 2025. To reserve your spot for the January Retreat, first register for Confirmation. Please be sure you are registered and have reserved a spot if this is the retreat you plan on attending. Scroll down for other Retreat dates.

  • Attention Grade 9 and 10 Parents. Please make sure you are up to date on information regarding Confirmation. Scroll down for details specific to Confirmation 2025 or Confirmation 2026.
Confirmation 2024
Confirmation lector

Confirmation Process

The Confirmation prep process is still being finalized within the Family of Parishes, but it is expected to be largely similar to how it was in the past. We will offer informational meetings towards the beginning of the school year to explain the process once it is announced.

If you have any questions or concerns, please direct those to Michael Ruszala at or call (716) 688-5760.

Confirmation 2025 (Grade 10/Year 2)

Required Service Hours and Faith Experiences

Please continue to work toward the following, to be completed by January 2025:

  • 15 hours of Christian service (including 5 within the Family of Parishes).
  • 4 faith experiences (anything faith-related in the Bulletin counts, plus visits to local pilgrimage sites).
  • One Confirmation Retreat.
Confirmation Retreat

One parish-level Confirmation Retreat is required for Year 2/Grade 10 Confirmation candidates, whether in public, Catholic, or private schools. There are three remaining retreat options:

  • Saturday, January 25, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
    at St. Greg’s Ministry Center
  • Overnight LifeTeen Retreat:
    March 28 – 30
  • Saturday, April 5, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
    at Good Shepherd, Pendleton,
    led by St. Greg’s Youth Ministry

Click here to Register for Confirmation and for the Confirmation Retreat. 


Looking for Service Opportunities?
CONFIRMATION Mass of Enrollment

Scheduled for Sunday, October 27 at the 12:00 noon Mass.


Please begin to look for a sponsor now. This should be a practicing Catholic, Confirmed, at least 16 years of age, and living according to the marriage laws of the Church if married. Sponsors from outside the Family of Parishes need a letter of recommendation from their parish.

Confirmation Sponsor/Candidate Sessions TBA.


Please think about a Confirmation name after a saint you can relate to. Here’s a good place to start: Saints & Angels – Catholic Online.

Confirmation 2024

Confirmation 2026

Confirmation preparation is typically a two-year process. This is for all families with students (Public or Catholic school) who will be in Grade 9 in September and who will be making their Confirmation in the Spring of 2026.

We would encourage you to look for a sponsor now – a practicing Catholic, Confirmed, at least 16 years of age, and living according to the marriage laws of the Church if married. In January of 2026, when Candidates are in Grade 10, sponsors from outside the Family of Parishes will need a letter of recommendation from their parish.

Also think about a Confirmation name, after a saint you can relate to. Here’s a good place to start: Saints & Angels – Catholic Online

Please let us know if you have any questions and know that you are in our prayers.

Please share this with any friends of yours that we may have missed and ask them to contact us to be added to the list!